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The Wasp Woman 1959 16:9 Version

Foto do escritor: Niphei CevimeNiphei Cevime

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The Wasp Woman (1959)

The Wasp Woman

The Wasp Woman 1959 16:9 Version


SciFi, horror, Roger Corman, 1959

The Roger Corman drive-in classic presented in widesreen. Starring Susan Cabot with Corman appearing in a small role(see if you can spot him).

The Wasp Woman (aka The Bee Girl and Insect Woman) is a science fiction film produced and directed by Roger Corman (who also plays a cameo as a doctor in the film) which was completed in 1959. The film was originally released as a double feature with Beast from Haunted Cave. To pad out the running time when the film was released to television two years later, a new prologue was added by director Jack Hill.


In Jack Hill's prologue, we see a slightly mad scientist Dr. Zinthrop fired from his job at a honey farm for experimenting with wasps.

The founder and owner of a large cosmetics company, Janice Starlin (Susan Cabot), is disturbed when her firm's sales begin to drop after it becomes apparent to her customer base that she is aging. Scientist Eric Zinthrop (Michael Mark (actor)) has been able to extract enzymes from the royal jelly of the queen (insect) wasp that can reverse the aging process. Starlin agrees to fund further research, at great cost, provided she can serve as his human subject. Displeased with the slowness of the results she breaks into the scientist's laboratory after hours and injects herself with extra doses of the formula. Zinthrop becomes aware that some of the test creatures are becoming violent and goes to warn Janice but before he can reach anyone he gets into a car accident. He is thus temporarily missing and Janice goes through great trouble to find him, eventually managing and then transferring his care to herself.


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